
香港大学Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授应邀来我院讲学

菠菜资源平台大全-菠菜发布网论坛-信誉保证/新闻动态2017-11-14 23:16:32来源:菠菜资源平台大全研究生会评论:0收藏本文

11月10日下午2点30分,香港大学电气与电子工程系Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授应我院罗智超老师的邀请,在光电学院二楼第一学术报告厅开展了主题为“Spectroscopy, microscopy, and tomography enhanced by ultrafast photonics”的学术报告。本次报告由胡巍副经理主持,同时参加本次讲座的还有郭旗教授、兰胜教授、徐文成教授和刘海英老师等多位老师。



讲座中,Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授旁征博引、娓娓道来,分别介绍了超快光子学增强的光谱学、显微镜和层析成像等相关内容。整个报告中,Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授语言诙谐幽默,充分调动了同学们的学习积极性,使得报告会气氛异常活跃。Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授讲课认真投入,细致入微,条理性很强,而且特别善于举例,让同学们印象非常深刻,达到了良好的效果。 


Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授正在声情并茂的演讲 



结合报告内容,胡巍副经理、郭旗教授共同与Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授进行了深入的学术交流。在场同学们提出了诸多相关问题,Kenneth K. Y. Wong教授一一作了详尽的解答。报告结束后,各位老师在光电院拍照留念。

Prof. Kenneth Kin-Yip Wong received combined B.E. (1st class honor with medal award) degree in electrical engineering and B. S. degree in physics from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, in 1997. He received the M.S. degree in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in 2003, both in electrical engineering at Stanford University. He was a member of the Photonics and Networking Research Laboratory at Stanford University. His research field included DWDM systems, fiber nonlinearity, fiber optical parametric amplifiers, microwave photonics, and biophotonics. He is author or coauthor of over 300 journal and conference papers.

Prof. Wong is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the University of Hong Kong, where he won the Best Teacher Award 2005-06, Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2008-09, and Outstanding Teaching Award 2012-13 (Team). He served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters and is now an Associate Editor of OSA Optics Express.

图/ 林宁    文/唐燕    责任编辑/张俊杰
